Value Drivers Business Valuators is member of the following associations:
NIRV (Dutch Institute of Register Valuators)
The NIRV is the independent professional association in the area of business valuation and mergers and acquisitions. There are strict requirements for the admission and display of the title RV (Register Valuator), among which is following numerous courses, and permanent education. The specialists that have joined the NIRV are bound to rules of conduct that apply to standards of behaviour and professional performance, and complaint procedures that are respectively tested by the SWBO (Foundation of Valuation research for the benefit of Business and Enterprise) and the Foundation of Regulations for Behaviour and Profession in Business Valuation. The NIRV is accredited by the NIVRA (Dutch Institute of Register Accountants).
Aside from that, Value Drivers Corporate Finance is internationally connected by means of the network IBVAS (International Business Valuation Association).
NACVA (National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, USA)
NACVA’s mission is to provide resources for members and improve their status and appreciation in the field of taxation, disputes, financing, and other value-related advisory services. NACVA Provides professional education and research, stimulating practice development, ethical and professional professional practice, improving the public awareness of the association and its members, and promoting working relationships with other professional organisations. There are 6,000 members.
EACVA (European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, Germany)
EACVA is a European professional organisation of business valuators, providing the only internationally accredited training platform. There are 1,000 members. The EACVA is the only professional association for valuation professionals recognised by the NCCA (National Commission for Certifying Bodies) worldwide. She has been certified for valuation professionals since 1990 and supports them in their daily work.